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Bermuda Plein Air aims to introduce painters, at all levels of expertise, to the joys and tribulations of working on location. The group meets weekly to paint at locations around the island, painting until noon, at which time they put up all the work that has been done and have a group critique, the object of which is to help people grow and improve their skills. Anyone, using any medium, can join the weekly morning painting sessions.

Look out for Plein Air painters all over the town of St. George's during Knot the Art Walk!

The 2017 BERMUDA PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL will take place from NOVEMBER 11TH - 18TH 2017.

One week in Bermuda will inspire you for a lifetime! Presented by the Plein Air Painters of Bermuda, the BERMUDA PLEIN AIR FESTIVAL pays homage to the spirit and innovation of the great French Impressionists whose paintings were based on the belief that "you should trust your eyes" to capture the beauty that surrounds you. As with the old masters, contemporary plein air artists paint from life in the out-of-doors (en plein air), capturing moments in time that reflect the ever-changing colors, light and shadows, temperature and shifting elements. The art form requires that artists have stamina, focus, and the ability to be completely absorbed in the work regardless of what Mother Nature is throwing at them. There is no setting more perfect than BERMUDA - it is truly an artist's paradise!

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